Thursday, November 08, 2012

Why You Should Own/Play/Learn on an Electronic Keyboard: Summary of Reasons


I give up. There's too much brainwashing. Too many folks think that there is some difference between an acoustic piano and an electronic keyboard. Even though technically any acoustic piano IS a keyboard (after all, it's a "board with keys on it for making music") the sales people and even piano-only teachers have created the idea in the minds of the public that somehow such a difference exists.

I keep hearing certain folks refer to anything with keys as a "piano" which it most certainly is NOT!

I have to ask them what they mean!

They have also created the idea that anything electronic is somehow less valuable, less worth having, than something acoustic. It simply isn't true, however, and I (a professional player and professional instructor with decades of experience in both) will tell you why I think so. There will be several of these posts, one per day.
Summary of Reasons

For the last few days I've given you my reasons why I believe the Electronic Keyboard is an advance over an acoustic piano. Today I'm going to summarize these reasons and provide links to my earlier posts, where I explain in greater detail.

Monday, November 5, I covered the savings in Time, Effort, and Money. Here's a link!

The next day, Tuesday, November 6, I explained how it was less work to play your favorite music. Here's a link!

On Wednesday, November 7, I told you how electronic keyboards help you learn to play in the first place. Here's a link!

That's a heck of a lot of reasons. The usual "reasons" for not doing this amount to two items, touch and tone, both of which are not really all that relevant to the hobbyist. Yeah, those might be a problem for professional musicians playing classical music and even there the arguments are specious. But no matter - the vast, VAST majority of folks are happy just to hit the right key regardless of whether the sound is slightly better or the touch of the thing reminds them of their favorite instrument.

Also, there's one final reason, which is related to all of the above - the ownership/performance/learning of an electronic keyboard is less of a risk that the same for an acoustic piano.

Need more reasons? Want to bitch me out for the ones I've stated? If you are brave enough, then email me directly to do that: