Monday, April 22, 2013

"Lifetime Learner?"

Lifetime Learners used as a cover of one of my books!
Or did you leave all that nasty learning behind in school?

Almost all the truly smart folks I know consider themselves to be able to learn at any age. Science now confirms that this is possible, and as scientists so love to do, they invented a big word for it - "neuroplasticity" meaning the brain is "plastic" or changeable. Possibly this invention was intended to make up for the crap they were spewing as recently as 1990 which said there was a small "window" when you were very young and after that, the brain and nervous system was "hard-wired" and never changed. Luckily, science has learned better now.

I could have told them this was crap, as I've always taught folks of older ages to play and most did quite well with their learning. Now those that did not gave up way too early. What I am finding, however, is that too many older people think that the previous (and erroneous) statement is true. Perhaps they have bad memories of school and all this talk of teachers and students and lessons puts them in a bad mood.

I'm very sorry for this, but as a really good educator, I can tell you it doesn't have to be that way. Here's the current science - which should play out for the foreseeable future - learning new things at any age can help the brain AND body be healthier. It also helps the awareness inside that body be happier. So learn new things if you would like to be healthier and happier!

Want proof? Just email me and I'll send you some links.