Monday, October 07, 2013

What Now?

I enjoy playing some music!             

This financial crisis might be good for some things!

This morning I read the news and it was NOT good. I'm sure you're aware of it so I won't bother going into it. Still, your personal financial picture probably looks kinda grim. What now?

I'll tell you what you should do to preserve some a cheap keyboard and learn to use it. Take some lessons (from me, hopefully, but actually any decent instructor could do it) and then play, Play, PLAY. Make your favorite music. The beauty of all this is that once you know how to really use that keyboard (NOT as a piano, mind you, but as a keyboard!) that this is all free, Free, FREE!

You are going to have to change your mind on what is true. I've tried to explain what I mean on my website so I'd start there.

I used to work at a piano store. Their motto was, "Buy the best instrument you can afford." Sure, I reasoned, that puts money (your money) in their pocket. I was not popular there when I said, "Buy something cheap and invest the remainder in learning to use it. You can always 'upgrade' later."

Why did I say this? Well, there are just too many great instruments sitting unused in people's homes. Nobody these days knows how to play them. Sad, and not good for our society as a whole.

Unfortunately, we have turned into a batch of simply listeners to music. We were much better off as players of music. Somebody made a buck on "turning" us. I could name names but you won't have to listen to that. If you're one of these "listener only" types
then you know who is pushing this "listeners only" business.

I always laugh at folks who are so concerned about their "tunes" when they only listen to them. Sad, as I said.

What do I want you to "get" from all this? Well, easy! I want you to think about how much fun you could have if you knew how to make your favorite music on a keyboard.