Saturday, April 12, 2014

A "House Concert?"

And why you should care!

Don't bother reading this post unless you want:

1. A Free way to have a great concert,
2. A good meal for no money,
3. A way to entertain for nada.

Now all the above is possible and in this economy is great cause most of us are broke. Some readers aren't, but the wealthy have been doing this for years, sometimes paying for it from their own pockets.

A "House Concert" is where you find 10 - 15 friends who would pay $15 each (which is less than they normally pay to go out) for a special, intimate concert given in your (their friend!) living room by professional musicians. You can even have a "pot luck" dinner or a dessert period with this concert. You ask your friends (if you both are okay with the idea) to bring food or a dessert to the concert. As you know exactly who will be there, there should be no problem with the planning.

Note that I spell all this out at my website: if you want another explanation of it.

You should know that it's a WIN/WIN/WIN for everyone involved. Everybody wins, which is a great thing.